Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bring on 2015-Momfessionals Show and Tell Tuesdays

Today I am linking up with Andrea for our Resolutions and Goals for 2015.

My number one goal of the year is to try to go to church every Sunday and to get involved in a group to meet people and grow more in my faith. I was born and raised Catholic and now send my daughter to a catholic school. She goes to mass twice a week with school and yet we find excuses to not go on Sundays What am I teaching her? it started with we just couldn't find a church home that we loved or really got something out of it so why go? then it would be our only day to not have to rush somewhere and I don't have her every Sunday. But enough with the excuses. I work full time so I cant go volunteer at her school that much and have the opportunities some have to meet other moms and get involved with her friends. So going to church at her school is perfect. We have went the last two Sundays and I loved it! Esp this Sunday I felt like Father Mark was really speaking to me and the music was just wonderful. I am excited about getting back involved in church and excited to pass this on to Ansleigh. 

My other goal for this year is to get back in shape. I had gotten in the best shape of my life last year running 3-4 days a week and dropped lots of weight and then when Ansleigh went to kindergarten and our schedule has changed i just stopped running. I was still eating whatever I wanted which means I have put on 10 of those pounds I worked so hard to lose. No more excuses I am going back to the gym and running 3 days a week. This keeps me sane it helps my outlook on life and my stress level so much I don't know what I ever stopped to begin in! This year is about making things happen. You can find every excuse in the world not to do something but you can make the time and effort to do the things that are important to you. This is important to me and I feel great when I am in shape! 

Go to lunch with Ansleigh at her school at least once a month. This is a tough one because my work is 20 mins away from her school she only has a 25 min lunch break and then I drive back to work rushing and I am back and have the rest of the day left till 5 at work. Her lunch is at 11 which is super early and not my favorite thing to do is to take a lunch early makes the afternoon at the office super long. But you know what my child loves it more than anything it seriously makes her day so I can make this sacrifice at least once a month. I am actually going today and I cant wait to see that smile on her face that will make it worth it! 

The last goal or resolution I have for the year is to do more with Ansleigh just us and at home. I always feel like I have to plan fun things for us to do and spend money and go go go when really Ansleigh just wants to spend time with me and we don't have to go somewhere to have fun. Over her Christmas break we played board games every night (she got several for Christmas) we had so much fun and every night would end with her saying u are the best mommy ever! She really cherishes these moments with me and so I am making an effort to put my phone down, dvr my show, do laundry when she goes to bed and just savour the little time I get with her at night. As a working mom by the time we get home from school and work, cook dinner, do homework, bath time, lay clothes out for the next day, pack lunches, its bed time. We are so rushed during the week that I want to savor the time we have together and make the best out of it! Those are the times she is going to remember the most not what movie we went to see or where we went out to eat. 

Here is the 2015 its going to be a great year! I have so much to be thankful for and I cant wait to strive to making these positive changes a reality! Have a wonderful week friends! 

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