Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Recap

Ansleigh the super cute skeleton! 

They got to wear their costumes to Fun co at school yesterday and she made this awesome spider hat
They got to wear Halloween socks and a hat or headband today I thought she was so cute and pink!

I am a catholic school girl for work! 

I was a catholic school girl for 13 years so fun to be one again today!

Tonight Ansleigh is with her dad for the first time ever on Halloween I am so sad and going to miss her but I hope she has fun!! The weather here is not very good its freezing and rainy :( Happy Halloween everyone! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ansleigh's 6th Sassy Bash!

loved the invite and the cupcakes Jenn did awesome! 

love the lip straws! 

makeup station

karaoke station

nails and toes 

Ansleigh turned 6 on Monday so we had her party on Sunday afternoon! It was so much fun! We did hair, makeup, nails and karoake. We just invited girls and they had a blast! I made the photo booth thanks pinterest for the idea and I was pretty excited how it turned out! We just did cupcakes and lemonade and it was perfect! Cant believe my girl is 6 just crazy but love her sassy self so much! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Franklin the turtle and Jennifer and Clays Shower

Ansleigh got to bring home Franklin the class turtle and she was so excited. You are supposed to draw a picture of what you do with Franklin then there are two books in there to read! we had fun with it!

Saturday night was Jennifer and Clays couple shower for Emma Kate. It was a great night pretty cold but we had a fire and they had a great crowd! We cant wait to meet her! We did a fiesta theme Tacos and Tutus! It was great! 
Parents to be! 

Me and the beautiful momma to be! 

The hostesses and the mommy to be! 


Titans Sunday

Yesterday I went to the titans game with my friend Andrea and we had the best day! The weather was amazing and it was just awesome!

Disney on Ice-Frozen

Friday night we went to Disney on Ice-Frozen and it was so fun! I have had the tickets since the beg of the summer so it was great the time was finally here! this was an early birthday present to Ansleigh from me and we had a great time!